
All available parking options near Plateia Nerou

The map below shows all the parking options available around Plateia Nerou. Don’t forget to visit www.releaseathens.gr/prosvasi/ if you want to use public transport to get to the festival venue.


See more details:

Parking Spot

There are three private outdoor parking areas close to the festival entrance: the parking area next to the Taekwondo Indoor Stadium, the Aviation Parking and the parking area near the Flisvos Marina. Important Note: None of the above options are in the interest of the organising company, nor are they a service provided by Release Athens Festival.

Jumbo Parking

Another option is the private car park at the Jumbo store, just a few minutes from the entrance to Plateia Nerou.

SNF Parking

Those who wish to do so, can leave their vehicle in the car park of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and walk along the Esplanada leading to Plateia Nerou.

VIP Parking

VIP ticket holders can park their cars free of charge in the outdoor parking of the Taekwondo Indoor Stadium (a few minutes’ walk from the festival entrance).

PwD Parking

To better serve PwD ticket holders (and their companion), free parking space is provided with direct and easy access to Plateia Nerou, near the specially designed platform (with a clear view of the stage).

For any additional information or need, the Customer Service Team of Release Athens 2024 will be available at all times.