Giannis Aggelakas and 100°C - Release Athens

Giannis Aggelakas and 100°C

Giannis Aggelakas’ songs, from the early day of Trypes until now, have been of the utmost importance to Greek music, placing him among the greatest songwriters the local scene has ever seen. Giannis never stopped being relevant and managed to make his mark with every new release he created by trying new things and experimenting with new styles. His new record with the 100°C, called “Exo Kefia”, is out on the 6th of May, while the first single “Akoma, Perpataw” quickly became the talk of the town.

100°C are: Labrini Grigoriadou (acoustic guitar), Alexis Arxontis (drums), Giorgos Avramidis (trumpet), Hlias Baglanis (keyboards) and the newest members, Alexandros Kontzoglou (electric guitar) and Michalis Karanikos (trombone). Giorgos Taxtsidis and Mimis Kwnstantinidis are the sound engineers.

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